My honest thoughts review on Kumoten

Dear diary,

Like many other novice dropshipper, I thought this could be passive income, I thought, since I don't need to source for suppliers or even handle inventory, everything would be a breeze, until I saw some of the things offered by Kumoten... the prices, they are not competitive at all.

I think by the end of the day I'll still need to go someplace else to find a good source to sell, somewhere like TaoBao, however, it is overall a good experience.

With Kumoten, I'm going to need to invest in a shit load of time just to make some sales, and even then I couldn't even rest, I would have to keep doing some form of marketing just to keep my shop afloat and stand out from the masses of other people who are also selling the same product...

With this in mind, I think I'll have to push online e-commerce business to the back of my priority list, perhaps I will come round to it and have it full blown like designing banners, posting it on social media, all that marketing shibang.

But for now, I would like to do something with a more instant rewards kind of feeling, stuff like mixing the henna powder, trying to make dank soap, and the carpooling service, not to mention scribie and surveys.

These activities can help me earn some quick bucks and at least make me feel like my time is not that wasted.

Failed Idea Count:
Dropshipping from Kumoten


  1. Dear Diary,

    It's year 2021, the world has gone to shit. A pandemic that started a year ago has killed millions of people worldwide. There is no end in sight. I don't have a job, well I stupidly quit my job thinking I could get another, boy was I wrong. It has been almost 8 months and I am running out of funds. I am desperate then an idea popped into my mind. I should try dropshipping, it seems to be very promising. You don't have to pay something, just set up a store and you're good to go. Too good to be true I thought, it can't be that easy. And so I did an extensive or intensive (I'm not really sure so give me a break I am not a native English speaker) for about 30 minutes, that's when I realized that this idea is stupid. I'm much better off selling drugs than doing dropshipping.

    Sincerely yours,

    PS Kobe died.


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