Three layered pork

Dear diary,

I reinstalled pixel dungeon, never gets boring, it's so addictive. It was actually for SO because I keep taking his phone away for Hay-day, and my phone apparently wasn't entertaining enough therefore, I installed it so he can have something to play with when I snuck away his phone.

Moving on, lately, I came to the realization that, my whole degree life have been all about stressing for coursework and such, it's true last semester was slightly more pleasant and I scored pretty well. But, it's still pretty stressful, I'm thinking of dropping my final year project this semester, just really don't feel like doing it, cause it's really difficult for me, it's already the end of week 3 and I have nothing to show for, making me really unhappy, enough is enough, i need to take a break, laze around a bit, improve other aspects of myself other than my grades, I mean, I did sort of proven myself worthy when I did pretty well last semester, of course it could have been better but I'm happy with it at least. So there's that.

I've so far done some stuff that I don't normally do? Like look up hairstyles that suit me, conditioned my hair and combed it thoroughly, next I'm planning to cut a fringe and trim the sides a bit so I can at least look presentable. I think I wanna make my myself look prettier, I'm in my twenties, this is the time when I'm in my prime, would be a bit of a waste when I just let it go away like that. Had a bunch of complaints from family and close friends that I look crap, not because I'm ugly, but because I don't put in any effort. Fair enough, I appreciate their honesty.

Also looked up some recipes and cooked rice pudding, pretty happy with the results to say the least. Just chill and enjoy life I suppose, of course I'll still keep trying to figure out things for my final year project, I'll only drop it in the last minute. 

Three layered pork, today SO made three layered pork. That's my favorite dish. Oh my god it's so juicy and succulent, the fats just melts. In. Your.  Mouth. Mmhph. That's what I love about SO, he can cook! And it's really good! Pretty thankful I got someone who can cook some awesome stuff. The aroma wafting in your mouth as it travels to your olfactory senses. You can breath out the smell when you exhale.  Your whole tongue coated with delicious fatty umami-ness. When you slice it with a knife, its just like slicing through butter, super soft, super creamy. Just writing about it makes my mouth water again. 
Three layered pork, it's the most delicious thing in the world.

Three layered vinegar pork with spices

Something worth mentioning, SO didn't even look at any recipes, he just threw in whatever he liked.

Here's the rice pudding I made, it's not exactly aesthetically appealing, but it taste pretty good! After thoroughly chilling it in the fridge I'm planning of eating it for breakfast tomorrow!

Rice pudding
 It's pretty simple to make, and it's a good use for leftover rice, found this idea on buzzfeed actually. I didn't follow the traditional recipes most people use, which has vanilla, cinnamon, egg yolk,  unflavored milk and white sugar, mine I just used leftover rice, chocolate milk we bought at a really cheap introductory price, some butter, some salt, heat it up a bit till rice is gooey and wallah, surprisingly delicious.


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