Dear diary,

Ya see, the thing about the media is that, one person tells you that mediocre is alright, and they go on and tell you a list of things that totally support this point and it all make sense to you, and you feel that, yeah, mediocre is totally cool as long as you're happy ladiladila... then another video tells you that never settle for mediocre! Don't let anything hold you back! Go on and springboard yourself to your full potential, and then that's when things got confusing for me... So, what do I do in life? Do I settle? Or do I fight? Both seems like a pretty good choice.

I suppose, what my thought process was, combining all the "guide to life" videos that I've watched so far, is to try to sort of balance myself in between those two concepts, be mediocre in a sense that don't beat yourself up when you're not as good as someone else or you see your friends achieving great heights and getting lots of monies, most important thing is to be happy and built good relationships with people, strong, meaningful relationships, that's the key to happiness in a nearly a century old ongoing research where they monitor hundreds(if not mistaken) of people's life, once you're happy, the state of your mind changes, in another research, it is found that happiness opens up the brain to a whole lot of learning and creative areas, which means that you sort of become smarter, and when that happens, you do your very best, you strive forward, in the end releasing the things that are holding you back, making you be better than your mediocre self yesterday!

At least, that's what I think.

I do feel that when I'm feeling happy, I solve problems better, my mind is clear of foggy thoughts and I'm more efficient, so that's my little self conducted observations on myself, and I totally agree with it.


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