Dear me,

You're a big girl now, an adult who can deal with her own shit, make herself happy when there's no one else to turn to. You make your own life, you don't depend on other people, that's the most important thing you gotta learn.

It's true that you're never alone in life, and whoever says that their mood are a hundred percent inert from people surrounding them, are liars.

What's important is how you deal with them, you can feel sad for awhile, or angry, or jealous, or utterly hopeless, in anguish, but after that, pick yourself up, and move on with the important things, because honestly, nobody but yourself (and of course not to mention your parents, but they are very temporary entities, and their effects, mainly the safety nets they provide, will not last very long), will care as deeply about yourself as you do.

Happy 21st Birthday eve to me.


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