Dear diary,

Ok, birthday was okay, my SO made the whole day special, subway KFC and a scrumptious homemade dinner.

Watched Thor Ragnarok with this, didn't manage to finish since both of us felt groggy.

Finished watching Thor and watched Black Panther with this, super nice.

This one was a day after the birthday, yeah, it looks horrifying, and with bad planning, we didn't exactly manage to hold 6 ice-cream with our bare hands, plus it was pouring outside, and I needed to take a piss, in the end we made a mess in the car, ice cream was all over my lap...but it was still oddly amusing, and in the end we are this weird little ice cream cake adorned in a rather unskillful manner with some homemade matcha coffee we made(this whole thing is actually delicious trust me future me!)

A few days later foundation acquaintances treated to a meal too, so it's okay for their part I guess.

Also, I feel like shit, really sick now, think will be getting a fever later. Literally leaking from my nose.

Anyways the reason why I wanted to open an entry is this!!

Before peeling, of course it still does look really amateurish, but ultimately an improvement compared to the previous one!


The henna turned out pretty nice during my second try, this time I made sure I cut the whole real far end to make sure the hole is super tiny

I suppose Shattered Pixel Dungeon deserves a worthwhile mention as well.

Tadaa, completed every class :)


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