Victoria movie review (Spoilers)

Dear diary,

Today I finished watching Victoria, and I'll say, it exceeded my expectation.

I knew it was a cinematic stunt, where the whole movie was filmed in one single take, that's why I assumed it to be boring, full of meaningless talking and probably a weak plot. (I read one review where a guy is complaining it to have a bad plot... I'm just gonna assume he didn't like the ending where everyone died.)

The feeling the movie gave me was the strongest at the end, when you look back at the whole movie, I thought to myself, damn, two hours ago Victoria's life was so normal/mundane, she wasn't in love, she didn't know this bunch of people, and she's never assisted in robbing a bank.

Sonne's regret too, at the end, how he felt that if they never fucked up none of his brothers would have died, none of anything would've happened.

This movie made me feel emotionally attached to the characters, what's noteworthy is the brotherhood that existed between the "real Berlin guys", that bond was well represented throughout the film. Each boys have their own distinct characteristics too, where Sonne is the more level minded leader, Blinker is of a more mellow build, gives off a more peaceful and respecting vibe, Boxer on the other hand, visibly has anger issues, and there's Fuss, he's too intoxicated the whole film to know what's he really like. For a cinematic stunt, the fact that they managed to keep in character for such a long time, impresses me. Heck, the fact that I remember their names means they did a good job making an impression.

The roof scene
The film managed to sort of pull all their backstories together, the feelings that the "real Berlin guys" gave me is that they're a little aloof. They're not bad people, they don't mean to hurt anyone, they have their own moral values and bro-code and whatnot. It's just that they can be immature in some aspects and be a bit of a nuisance to the community, nevertheless, they do try their best to not anger the people around them or else they'll have trouble with the authorities. But nuisance is all they are, not a threat.

On the  roof top, is where they usually gather and chit chat, although they have to do it quietly, or else there will be complaints. However, despite the strict rules, they still prefer that particular rooftop instead of changing meetup venues because it has sentimental values for them, they grew up there, ever since they were really young.

Victoria doesn't lack backstory too, how she spent almost all her life dedicating herself to the piano, practicing 7 hours per day to perfect her skill, only to be rejected by the conservatory, told her she'll never be good enough, and that ended her dreams and career of becoming a performance pianist, her whole life's work, down the drain just like that. The anger and disappointment is clearly portrayed when she talks about it, it's relatable, everyone has an aspect of their life where they dedicated but proved to be futile.

Admittedly I did get slightly mad at their stupidity after robbing a bank, they should've counted everyone and stayed home and stayed low. To be fair, they were on the influence of drugs.

Victoria too! What in the world would make a girl follow anyone who vomited on the shop's floor, when you're a girl who's alone with your only transportation being a bicycle, why would you be friendly towards a bunch of rowdy drunk-ish dudes who clearly has an illegal streak across their face. Unless of course... she was truly smitten with Sonne... and of course she's way too innocent since she did mention she lived her life like an old granny when she was 12... not much social data to see trouble when they present themselves, or she's just truly desperate for companionship who knows.

It's a really impressive movie for me all in all, although I did see a bunch of reviews claiming it wasn't good and cinematic stunts are a horrible way to make a film.

Oh well, everyone has their opinions.


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