Feels bad man

Dear diary,

Let's have some self depreciating time now shall we?

Basically, I feel dumb, I fee like a dumb failure so far. I feel like, there's so many creative solutions out there that I'm too dumb to think of, too dumb and lazy and my inability to focus and fully concentrate on a task isn't helping either.

I feel like I'm wasting my time away.

First failure, I'm not making any sales on my online platforms, only a few at that short period of pre Chinese New Year time, but other than that, nothing, even when I'm spending a bunch of time syncing and reviewing a crap ton of products. I know I know, it's dropshipping, I'm not even actively putting up posters or whatnot.

Another one is failure to make proper sellable soap and failure to make proper henna paste... It has been what? So many weeks and I seem to waste my time away doing everything but practicing all those stuff making skills, why am I not able to focus or make myself do what I need to do?

I know, all of these is business related, and I have a grand total of 0 experience with it, it's gonna take a looong time before my brain connect all the required paths to be creative or whatnot about it, and not to mention the slight stress I am having for school work does affect stuff, but still though...

At least now I don't feel like playing Skyrim anymore, I feel, might as well waste time Scribie  grinding up real money than virtual EXP/coins. Not Hayday though, Hayday's fun.

Phew, feels good to just vent it all out here.

I'll probably not be Scribie-ing anymore, that shit is near slavery. Will probably want to study all I can about business, full time whenever I have time.

Yes, that's what I'll want to do.

And the artistic side would be henna masterpieces.


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