I don't want to sleep

Dear diary,

I don't want to sleep, there's so many to see and do in this life, even without physically going anywhere. YouTube, games, movies, ukulele, drawing, books from the vast school library...

Man, sleep is for the weak.

The only reason to get out is to find food.

Just realize that this sitting down in front of computer, it may not look like much, but inside many things are happening, watching someone's experience from the other  side of the world, researching some topic of interest, learning how to replay the ukulele and even making some very own songs, sometimes eg will call and we'll talk like babies... not sure why we sometimes do that, sometimes we talk like, old professors arguing over a topic, while other  times, babies.

But yeah, it's a full life, so many pain and wonders at the same time. 


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