Petit Blocks

Dear Diary,

So, before coming back to Kampar I found something from Daiso that have got me hooked on. Petit Blocks from Daiso, it's only like, 5 bucks per packet and a bunch of fun, maybe not so fun for other people but it sure as heck is fun for me, it's so cute, it's like mini legos, I think they're called nano blocks, but this one features animals and the likes. Sadly there's no Daiso around Kampar, only one like more than half an hour's drive away? And we might get into a traffic jam which would take even longer.

I actually don't need to cut it, it has a resealable thingy on top... oh well

They provide many extra pieces just in case you lose any, so that's real nice

Rawr, I've been addicted to them ever since, and I want to buy a whole collection of them

My collection so far, it was good times assembling them :) I wanna buy more, hopefully I get to buy some more from the nearest Aeon, which is the only place with a Daiso.


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