My constipation is weird

Dear diary,

I feel unmotivated, and down, I hate this work. Maybe it's just PMS, I mean, it's already the 17th, 20th something is my period, usually around this time I do feel the most unmotivated. Currently drinking some fruit punch and vodka mix, smells nice.

But yeah, just wanted to jot down, me and SO have had this weird constipation thing going on for more than a week now, we don't feel any pain, but... nothing comes out, and we feel super full and bloated after a few bites of food, maybe this is our body's way of telling us to loose weight, I dunno, I'll probably eat less after all the events are over. We both ate laxatives, then we poop water, after we stopped eating it, we continue to have constipation. Nothing works. Prunes, lots of fiber, yogurt...

Oh, my graduation ceremony is tomorrow. Guess that's kind of significant.

Spent today trying to iron the gown on an induction cooker, almost burned a hole in it.

SO lately have been pretty stressed out about his FYP.

I'll be honest I feel pretty depressed because he's going away soon, and the only person I'll be interacting almost on a daily basis is my not exactly stress-free supervisor...Oh lawd give me strength.

But Ok, I suppose at least I'm getting paid...a decent amount...


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