Dear diary,

Just wanted to jot down the little dream I had last night, was quite interesting.

Scene 1, well, I think I was in an airport, not a public ones, a private one for a particular purpose, the whole place looks like a warehouse, anyways, I'm suppose to be in another carrier, but because I wanted to be with a friend, who is in carrier 1, which is a carrier for people who is carrying a bunch of stuff, like a worker carrier, I went in carrier 1 empty handed, and I can see everyone disagreeing with that behavior, so I quickly went back and grabbed a bunch of stuff so I wouldn't be so ostracized in carrier 1.

Scene 2 is kinda scary, not sure how I transitioned there. But yeah, a restaurant was on fire, the main entrance was a revolving door, I'm not sure if there are other doors in the beginning, but I think everyone panicked, and was trying to escape through the revolving door, anyways, a few person was going through the other direction, and people was sort of trapped there,  no one could escape, I saw some people suffocate in there, some people were already charred, you can see inside, the windows were top down glass panels with curtains, but the curtains was drawn.

When everyone struggling have either died or passed out, the fire sort of died, we went inside.

We went into the kitchen, which was mostly unaffected by the fire, the staff was unhurt. And apparently everyone could have just went behind, towards the fire, and everyone would've been fine.

Anyways, further into the kitchen, opens up into a sort of tribal living space, their houses made from either traditional twigs and leaves, and some were living in shipping containers. It was a colorful place, the painted the shipping containers with bright colors. My 2 friends live there. Interesting stuff.

I accidentally damaged one of the lame ass structure they had, but apparently that thing was made of very expensive/rare wood, and a dude came and wrote a warning that goes like: for the next person who damages it need to pay. And he proceeds to tell me how his niece/daughter used to damage it a lot and it wasn't really my fault.

Well okay then. I did climbed a lot of colorful shipping container, so there's that.


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