My new low

Dear diary,

I have truly reached a new low. Today I found out that my chocolate powder was riddled with dead insects.

I was making chocolate oats for breakfast, halfway through letting them sit, I realize there are some tiny round shaped insoluble things floating in the drink, I thought it's just chocolate powder failing to dissolve, but then I realize how their sizes were too coincidentally around the same. I took a few out to inspect, at first I was mortally disgusted, then denial, no way,they might just be husks from the oats. Then i saw how they have striped resembling an insect. Now that's undeniable.

After I got over my feelings of disgust, instead of throwing the whole drink out or at least filtering them out,feelings of laziness took over, and i googled if i can eat insects instead.

Turns out,insects are great for the extra nutrients.

Therefore, I happily gulped down that "critter protein" enhanced chocolate oats.

I do not regret it. They were pretty tasty.

And for those judgemental people dissaproving, you don't know me and fudge you. 


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