My little green (mung) bean journey

 Dear diary,

My little green bean, after around 50 days, finally bear fruit. I am so happy, went through so much failures previously in growing green beans and this try I was like, I'm gonna make it work no matter what, so I planted them in 4 different conditions: 1) on tea bags 2) on tissue and later on bury them in the ground 3) straight away buries them in the ground 4) on tissue but already on the ground.

2) and 3) beared fruit the quickest and the plant is larger by a large margin. 

Oh, I also cleared out a village of snails, there was one time when the leaves keep getting eaten really violently, like, in one night, the plant with 3-4 leaves will be left with just the stalk.

They are tiny but shown no mercy to my poor poor plants, I was so upset when I keep seeing the leaves disappearing overnight, also, the stems keep snapping because these little buggers are too heavy for the baby plant

The yellow powder is tumeric, because my leaves have been disappearing, and I wasn't sure what was the cause, tumeric is suppose to get rid of bugs but alas, it didn't work, maybe a lil bit, who knows

Getting bigger now, after I've eradicated the pests


The flowers are actually kinda pretty :)


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