Little break for me

 Dear diary,

Today, I went for a little break, it's not much, but it sure is refreshing. Went to a supermarket to eat sushi. It was good stuff.

Here are some pictures.

I wonder how beautiful it would be if the lotus are all in full bloom

What a serene scene

According to da, the eggs inside is artificially stuffed... but what kind of sicko would do that???

Favourite dish so far, not sure what fish it is, but it's good

So goooood

This is not half way eaten, it is my second plate

Grass jelly with chewy yam balls, ugh, it's so good. At NCTU dining hall 2 2nd floor

I'm not sure why I'm so hungry today

I remember in the sushi place, it truly feels like love, watching the chef serve out sashimi and blowtorch some of the dishes. The atmosphere, the taste in my mouth, the fragrance, the warmth of green tea and the tanginess of the pickle ginger, ohhhhh...

Actually I'm still hungry right now, craving some food, not sure what's wrong with me...currently 28th October, 23:43 pm... But, I need to be at peak performance tomorrow, so it's better to sleep.

To be cared and to be loved, is sometimes up to luck, the same type of luck people mention when someone is born into a rich family. There are some people who live their lives not receiving any kind of unconditional love, and eventually they'll believe that love and care doesn't truly exist, thus, they are not able to love and care. It is a viscous cycle, it is ingrained in them for so long, that when someone shows them kindness, they wouldn't be able to accept it. These type of realization made me feel like I must've won some sort of lottery.


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