details of a bad day

 A bad day usually starts out hopeful, with solid plans on what I am going to do throughout the day.

I woke up fairly late, but I woke up rather positive, I made my bed, and liked how it looked.

Made a bowl of oats with some peanut butter, it tastes disgusting, did not finish it, and went on a youtube procrastination journey, I wanted to work on the code, but it was just too painful to even get started.

My SO called, and we talked for quite a bit, I also played some phone games. I am constantly hungry.

When I knew it was already 5pm, and I went and eat, the food taste delicious. 

In short, spent my day scrolling through mindlessly useless content in the internet, it's just so fun watching clips from sitcoms.

And now I'm here. It's 5.30pm.


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