Procrastinated on this diary

Dear dairy, 

Hello there, the last time I started on this draft, it was 6th of July. I have since then procrastinated incessantly on finishing this blog draft, that many things have happened, note that I did not only procrastinated on the blog, but everything in life. Anyways, it's a good thing I did write a very brief draft on what I wanted to jot down.

So yeah, first cryptic message that I wrote down months ago was a brief 3 words: "my project direction". Perhaps I should be proud to say that I've achieved my goal on the project direction that I had in mind months ago, which is to combine features by modifying the existing architecture, it works, my plan worked, there are some consistent improvement in accuracy, hooray. However, my supervisors were far from satisfied, they were truly bent on the temporal method, despite my feature fusion method being novel and working, according to them, the feature fusion method in the research world was over saturated. Which makes total sense, I totally agree with them, but c'mon man, I kinda wanna graduate and do my thing already, I wanted my Fall Semester to be full of socialization and traveling and completely letting myself ham on the food scene, there's also a couple of side project I would like to do. But oh wells, guess it was too good to be true, at the time of writing this, it is Taiwan's National day and I am home alone typing away. It's quite peaceful not gonna lie, I've worked on my inner peace, guess I'll just have to continue plugging (and procrastinating) on the temporal direction. 

Alright what's next, right, during my birthday, a long time friend called out of the blue, and disappeared again. Update, her birthday came along and I wanted to call, but I procrastinated on that and the opportunity passed. I kinda hate myself for it, but at the same time, I understand that things should be two sided, she seemed busy, replied after a really long time, and I remembered I did try to reach out on multiple occasion, so alright, no point feeling guilty. Oh, another long time friend called out of the blue too and this time we actually chatted quite awhile, it's nice, chatting to someone who is not trying to sell me Amway and not in the academics scene.

Next, yeah the coronavirus, we weren't able to dine out for awhile, and everyone kinda stayed indoors, it was nice. I didn't go out much either, also, I hate the fact that the swimming pool is closed, it has reopened now, but in a shitty way, we weren't able to bath, and also the sauna and spa were all closed for the indoor swimming pool, at least it's free, also, few months ago the track field was also closed, then you needed to wear a mask to exercise, it was kinda sucky, I depended on those facilities for my physical fitness, totally first world problem, but I don't like running with mask on, so I ended up not running at all, it's so hot anyways, being summer and all that. Didn't really like sitting and getting numb legs so easily. 

Talking about summer, I freaking hate it here, it's so humid and hot all  the time, it's a good thing my room mates all agreed to buy the air conditioning card, but there were a bit of kerfuffle, but in the end all is good. Of course, I definitely prefer fresh air and not recycled air conditioned air, and everyone got kind of literally sick from the recycled air, and the whole room smells like whatever we were cooking that day all the time, and everytime when I put my bath towel on my face I smell food since we all hang our bath towels in the room and the room smells like food. So yeah, not fun. Oh, I haven't even mentioned about the cockroach demic, everytime 3am rolls around the roaches come out and throw a party, many many tiny ones, it was so traumatic, it actually is, even having Tommy the gecko didn't help much. And if it's day time, they can also be seen scuttling about, it's absolutely disgusting seriously. Now that fall have rolled around, the number of roaches have thankfully subsided.

Oh yeah, my room mate threw a sissy fit for god knows what reason. Anyways, she's the type that would shit on other people when she feels uncomfortable. Don't really wanna dwell on that.

Also had my birthday with them, they bought stuff and we had a mini celebration in the room that lasted quite fast, everyone tried to make me happy and feel special which is like, so nice of them :3)), but I have mental problems so I probably didn't seem very happy

My other room mate got a hammie, a white female, she got it second hand, anyways, the hammie have died, we buried it behind our dorm building. The room mate have now gotten a new Robovoski.

Okay, like I said, many things happened, perhaps I need another entry for my dazzling "summer achievements".

Here's some random image because I like my home page to have a picture. Yeah the amount of "life" increased a lot ever since being here, which is nice, sort of expected, so yeah. Can't do stuff like this much back in my home country. The independence (coupled with good transport, and also growing up basically, and having some sort of income I suppose) is freeing, there are still bad days definitely, but overall, if I think back to how I lived a couple years ago, this is much better definitely.

Here's a nice picture of tacos, supposingly authentic, it's pretty good, some Mexican dude which is a friend of my room mate's boyfriend made it, they opened up a business here

Not sure if I've posted this before, but this is how the track field look like

Despite me shitting on Taiwan food so much, there are, definitely, lots of good food here. Just not as much and not as cheap as back home. Here is a cheap ol fried yam thingy.

Dining Hall 1, yeah perhaps I should visit this dining hall soon, I rarely come here ever since summer because I kinda don't want to sweat getting lunch, but yeah, so far this place have (despite being inconsistent) some of the cheapest and nicest food with a bunch of variety

Some school view

View outside the window

I love UberEats, you can order groceries and a whole Rotisserie chicken for cheap

Midnight pre-period craving moment

Soba noodles, pretty good

Room mate made this on multiple occasion, it's like, rice paper with eggs, and oil, it's a pretty good midnight snack, supposedly a Vietnamese snack, they are Vietnamese after all


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